Monty Chandler Photography

This blog is dedicated to sharing my thoughts and photographic works of the things I choose to shoot. Sharing my views of what I see, capturing them in photography and converting them into art.

My Photo
Location: Charlotte, NC, United States

Monty is a freelance photographer and avid music fan located in Charlotte, NC. He has been documenting the world through still photography for over 30 years. Monty's website is meant to both share online images and support the acquisition of prints/merchandise of those images by those whom desire to do so. Monty's travels have brought him to several corners of the world. "The ability to share these travels and my personal interests with friends and family has proven to be both an inspiration and a great source of personal satisfaction for me. Inspiration and satisfaction tend to sum up to balance which is something I treasure greatly."

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Charleston, SC

Charleston's quaint southern charm, rich history, elegant architecture and natural geography combine to lure the heart and soul.

It wasn't very long ago that the city center of Charleston was not a very desirable place to be and certainly wasn't a place you wanted to live or spend your vacation time. People went to the surrounding islands and visited the beaches which are readily accessible to the public.

However, over the past couple of years things have begun to change. The city recognized its potential and decided to do more than put a little lipstick on the pig. A cleanup commenced which preserved the history and charm of the architecture, tourism infrastructure was encouraged, individually owned restaurants and pubs were supported and law enforcement recovered the peace within the city. The table was set for tourism to flourish. A little marketing and more importantly word of mouth praise soon spread in the electronic age.

Today people flock from all over the country to visit Charleston and experience its charm. It has become a stop on the touring agenda for foreign visitors from all over Europe and Asia. This attention is well deserved as Charleston does in fact have the history, the beauty and the charm which should attract visitors.



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